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(Morandi, Giorgio) (1890-1964) - Dieter Schwarz: Giorgio Morandi. Gemälde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, Druckgraphik.


Winterthur 2000. 8vo. 136 pp. Richly illustrated in colour. 95 catalogue entries.


Sewn as issued, printed wrappers with flaps. As new.


Catalogue for an exhibition of paintings, watercolours, drawings and prints by Morandi at the Kunstmuseum, Winterthur, April 1-July 1, 2000.

Schwarz: Giorgio Morandi, 2000

SKU: 306036
400,00 krPris

    Lorenz B. Hatt Konsthandel & Antikvariat

    Hägerstensvägen 141, 126 48 Hägersten (Aspudden, Stockholm) / tel. 0708-140888

    Öppet torsdagar 16-19 samt efter överenskommelse

    Sveriges Konst- & Antikhandlareförening
    Medlem i Svenska Antikvariatföreningen
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