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Petrarca, Francesco: I Trionfi.. [...] Facsimile foto-zincografico della edizione stampata a Firenze ad istanza di Pietro Pacini l’anno 1499 conservata in esemplare unico nella Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele in Roma.


[Florence 1499.] Facsimile edition, Roma, Genua & Strizzi, Società editrice di riproduzioni fototipiche, 1891. 8vo. [36] leaves. Woodcuts in text. Printed on fine handmade paper.


Entirely uncut in printed wrappers. The wrappers somewhat foxed and with a few marginal nicks, internally as new with deckle edges preserved.


Cf. ISTC no. ip00397000. At least 25 editions of the Trionfi and the Canzoniere together were printed 1470-1500, and 9 separate editions of the Trionfi. The present facsimile reproduces the Florence 1499 edition, preserved in a unique copy in Rome (Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II; woodcuts only at Cornell and the Metropolitan Museum of Art).


Petrarca’s Trionfi (Triumphs) is a series of poems in the Tuscan language, evoking the Roman ceremony of triumph, where victorious generals and their armies were led in procession. For a long time the Trionfi was more successful and popular than the Canzoniere.

Petrarca: I Trionfi, 1499, facs. 1891

SKU: 5057
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