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(Callot, Jacques) (1592-1635) - Edmond Bruwaert: Vie de Jacques Callot, graveur lorrain, 1592-1635.


Paris, Imprimerie Nationale / Societé pour l’etude de la gravure francaise, 1912. 4to. 28,5 x 23 cms. [xii] + 268 pp. + 14 plates reproducing engravings, including a frontispiece portrait of Jacques Callot after a painting by van Dyck. Title printed in red & black. With 8 text illustrations. Bibliography, chronological catalogue and alphabetical index of Callot’s prints.


One of 400 copies on fine paper (vélin d’Arches, after 50 numbered copies on japon), entirely uncut in recent half black morocco with cloth sides, wrappers bound in. Fine.

Bruwaert: Vie de Jacques Callot, 1912

SKU: 305670
2 600,00 krPris

      Lorenz B. Hatt Konsthandel & Antikvariat

      Hägerstensvägen 141, 126 48 Hägersten (Aspudden, Stockholm) / tel. 0708-140888

      Öppet torsdagar 16-19 samt efter överenskommelse

      Sveriges Konst- & Antikhandlareförening
      Medlem i Svenska Antikvariatföreningen
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